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Code of Ethics
Preamble The Logistician, in consonance with the highest standards of ethical conduct will:
SECTION I - Obligations to the Public Part 1 -- The Logistician, in all professional efforts, will exercise proper regard to assure the safety, welfare, and health of the public. The Logistician will: 1. Maintain a principal commitment to the public welfare and to national ideals. 2. Act to inform the proper authorities of conditions or activities contrary to the public welfare. 3. Serve the public constructively through participation in civic affairs in which professional ability can contribute to social and economic progress. 4. Practice no discrimination because of sex, race, creed, age, political affiliation, or national origin and discourage such discrimination by others. 5. Where human health and safety are involved, with-hold approval of plans or operations that do not meet accepted professional standards and state clearly the consequences to be expected if these standards are not met. Part 2 -- The Logistician will strive to enhance the public awareness and knowledge of logistics and protect the logistics profession from misrepresentation. The Logistician will: 1. Volunteer to speak or write about logistics systems, their contributions to the public good, and the effects of logistics on the life of every citizen. 2. Assist in disseminating information regarding logistics activities that have contributed to the public safety, health, or welfare. 3. Encourage the founding and perpetuation of logistics education in all pertinent programs and institutions and volunteer to help identify competent faculty or speakers. 4. Strive to further personal education and professional competence and to encourage others to do the same. SECTION II -- Obligations to Business and Government Associates Part 1 -- The Logistician will observe the highest standards of integrity in all personal, business and government relations with, or on behalf of, employers, employees, suppliers, clients and customers. The Logistician will: 1. Protect and keep the confidences of employers, employees, suppliers and clients and not use such confidence, privileged information, trade secrets, or proprietary data for personal gain or for any other unethical or unauthorized use.
Part 2 -- The Logistician will avoid activity or employment which could compromise moral and professional judgement or create a conflict of interest with employers or clients. The Logistician will: 1. Accept no contribution, honorary position or reward from another organization or individual for work done for an employer or client without their consent to such acceptance. 2. Accept no form of compensation from two sources for the same or similar effort unless both sources are in agreement. 3. Inform an employer or client of any business or financial connections or interests which could influence, or give the appearance of influencing, individual professional judgement or job performance. 4. Refrain from accepting, from any source, gifts or emoluments that could influence, or appear to influence professional performance. 5. Accept no work from an employer or client if the work cannot be fufilled without compromising the interests of employer or client. 6. Avoid the use of privileged information from an employer or client to create unfair trade or employment practices. SECTION III -- Obligations to the Logistics Profession and SOLE-The International Society of Logistics Part 1 -- The Logistician will avoid all conduct or behavior which may discredit the logistics profession or SOLE-The International Society of Logistics. The Logistician will: 1. Abstain from the exaggeration of professional qualifications or associations in seeking employment offering or services. 2. Refrain from competing unfairly with other logisticians by taking an undue advantage, being personally critical, or by other improper or questionable methods. 3. Seek no improper private advantage through the use of professional affiliations and refrain from any promotion of personal interests at the expense of the dignity and public acceptance of the logistics profession. 4. Refuse to engage or cooperate in any practice that unfairly restricts the professional job opportunities of others. Part 2 -- The Logistician will not allow the use of his or her name or professional reputation in any effort or endeavor of questionable integrity or character. Part 3 -- The Logistician will recognize the proprietary and professional interests of others and will give proper credit to those to whom credit is due. Part 4 -- The Logistician will accept the obligation to promote logistics management improvements and the intelligent use of physical and human resources through study, research, and effective action in logistics planning and operation. Part 5 -- The Logistician will encourage the professional development of his or her contemporaries through membership in SOLE-The International Society of Logistics, participation in technical meetings, and continuing education activities.
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International Society of Logistics, 14625 Baltimore Avenue, Suite 303,
Laurel, Maryland 20707-4902 USA |