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Innovation, quality and superior performance. That's what it takes to be successful in today's global, competitive market.

SOLE - The International Society of Logistics helps you meet these challenges today and in the future.

What is SOLE

SOLE is an international, non-profit professional organization dedicated to promoting logistics. An active organization, SOLE has enhanced the growth and development of logisticians for more than a quarter of a century. Today, there are thousands of SOLE members in more than 100 chapters throughout the world.

The International Society of Logistics offers individual and corporate membership with special rates for retired, young logistician, and student members.

To make sure you receive the most up-to-date information in your area of specialization, SOLE has nine application divisions.

  • Commercial -- business processes, systems, human resources, finance and trade

  • Configuration and Data Management -- controls, communications, processes, systems and risk management

  • Defense -- acquisition, procurement, contracting, life-cycle management

  • Education -- training and education programs, educational development, career foundations, initiatives and research

  • Electronic Data -- electronic data interchange, electronic commerce, internet, systems, security, processes and policies

  • Environmental -- logistics applications in environmental planning, analysis and sustainment, alternative energy and environmental management

  • Space -- space systems logistics, transportation, logistics support analysis, spares and technical data

  • Supportability Engineering -- system and product reliability, maintainability and supportability

  • Transportation and Distribution -- logistics analysis and support, technology, research and development for transport systems, processes, policies and infrastructure

Who is SOLE

SOLE members represent every reach of industry including government, commerce and education. CEOs and managers, military officers and civil servants, educators and students, and professionals and support staff are some of the members SOLE is proud to list as part of its extensive logistics network. SOLE's comprehensive corporate membership register includes Fortune 500 companies, as well as other large, medium and small businesses.

The lifeblood of the SOLE organization is an extensive network of domestic and international chapters. SOLE chapters are located in major business and industrial centers, near military bases and in capital cities on four continents.

When you join SOLE, you become part of an organization with a vast network of resources in your community and around the globe.

Why you should become a member:

Networking for Success

Through SOLE, you'll gain the support you need to effectively work in the broad field of logistics.

As an individual member of SOLE, you'll take an active part in shaping the future in areas like the environment, space frontiers and alternative energy sources. You'll have an opportunity to participate in SOLE's numerous boards and committees or serve as an elected officer.

You'll build on your knowledge base by working with your peers and other experts to find solutions to matters of worldwide importance. You'll be at the forefront of establishing current policy. SOLE, for instance, helped to drive the policy on computer software maintenance adopted by the defense and commercial industries.

As a corporate member, you'll open the door for new growth opportunities in an emerging global market and have a mechanism to share solutions with other organizations in a changing business climate. You'll receive complimentary memberships for your employees, and take a big step in increasing the value and professionalism of your work force. You'll also take advantage of a vast number of other benefits, like discounts on advertising in SOLE publications and exhibit space at SOLE-sponsored events, just to name a few.

As a SOLE corporate member, the return on your investment will be a more effective, productive employee, a larger circle of business contacts and, in turn, a more favorable bottom line.

Career Building

Through stimulating seminars and conferences, you'll discover new techniques to make your job easier and to keep you on top of the latest technology. You'll learn about Computer-aided Acquisition and Logistics Support (CALS) and Logistics Support Analysis (LSA) plus much more.

You'll get the technical support you need to become a member of a prestigious group of Certified Professional Logisticians (CPLs). You'll also receive SOLE's membership publications and have the opportunity to publish and present your own technical papers. As a member of SOLE, you'll join the thousands of logisticians who have the most up-to-date information and comprehensive support programs available.

Your Window into Logistics

Logistics looks at the big picture -- product concept through disposal. By definition, logistics is a professional discipline that ensures the successful support of the product throughout its life. From design engineering to manufacturing and materials, packaging and marketing, and distribution and disposition, logistics involves every possible phase of the product support process. As a member of SOLE, you'll enjoy a window into logistics, because SOLE is the only professional organization to encompass every facet of the field.

You'll see how you impact not just one component of a product, but its entire life cycle. You'll sharpen your understanding of how you affect the overall product, and share the information and support of those working in other product areas.

You'll become a more knowledgeable logistician, and that means more value for your employer and your profession. In short, SOLE is a much-needed link to excel in the wide, interrelated field of logistics.


SOLE Membership Benefits:

Certified Professional Logistician Program

As part of your membership dues, you'll receive a wide range of benefits.

SOLE provides comprehensive training and materials for members preparing for the Certified Professional Logistician (CPL) exam through their local chapters. In addition, SOLE discounts required fees for members who sit for the CPL examination. As a CPL, you'll become part of a select group of logisticians who have earned this prestigious certification and, along with it, the increased respect of their peers. The CPL tells your employer, your customers and the public you're a leader in your profession.

Professional Development Programs

As a member of SOLE, you'll have an opportunity to participate in an intense, three-day Annual International Logistics Symposium and Technical Exhibition. You'll exchange ideas and information, find solutions, and network with hundreds of your peers from across the U.S. and abroad. You'll hear technical presentations on a variety of timely topics by noted experts in the field.

SOLE, in addition, sponsors an Annual International Logistics Congress in a location outside of the U.S. The program emphasizes the international applications of logistics and promotes better understanding among logisticians working in the U.S. and overseas.

As a SOLE member, you'll also have an opportunity to participate in a number of other SOLE professional development programs including:

  • SOLE co-sponsored technical conferences, like the Annual Reliability and Maintainability, and Annual Space Symposia.

  • International, national, district and chapter seminars, and workshops on a wide variety of topics.

  • As an added membership benefit, you'll receive discounts on your registration fees to attend SOLE professional development programs.

SOLE Publications

As part of your dues, you will automatically receive SOLE's many technical and membership publications:

  • The Annals of the International Society of Logistics -- This scholarly research publication provides you with new and significant findings in the world of logistics.

  • Logistics Spectrum -- The Society's quarterly journal keeps you up-to-date on the latest technical advancements in logistics.

  • SOLEtech -- A monthly newsletter that informs you of current happenings in the field of logistics, SOLE chapter activities and general membership information.

Other Valuable Membership Benefits

Annual Awards Program -- Each year, SOLE recognizes members -- veterans and newcomers alike -- who have made outstanding contributions and achievements in their areas of specialization.

A free Job Referral Service is available to assist unemployed SOLE members in their job searches. Members are helped to find employment through their local chapters, as well as through SOLE's national job referral service.

As an added bonus, SOLE uses the world wide web to communicate important, timely information to its members through its internet site at www.sole.org.

Your SOLE membership also entitles you to a comprehensive SOLE Membership Directory. Using this handy tool, you'll have the information you need to network with other members around the globe. The Membership Directory is also available online at www.sole.org.

Join SOLE, Join the World

Your future success depends on the support system you develop now. Begin making important business contacts. Sharpen your professional skills. Become a recognized expert in your field. As a member of SOLE, you can achieve all of this and much more.

Join the global network of logisticians, and begin building a bright, profitable future. Discover SOLE today, and embark on a world of opportunity.

SOLE - The International Society of Logistics
14625 Baltimore Avenue, Suite 303
Laurel, Maryland 20707-4902 USA
Phone: (301) 459-8446
Fax: (301) 459-1522
Email: solehq@erols.com
Web: www.sole.org


Send corrections or updates for this page to: webmaster@sole.org


SOLE - The International Society of Logistics, 14625 Baltimore Avenue, Suite 303, Laurel, Maryland 20707-4902 USA
(301) 459-8446 FAX (301) 459-1522 EMAIL solehq@erols.com Copyright (c) 2023, SOLE. All rights reserved.