Reference Library
SOLE's Reference Library is a collection of online reference material, tools, and resources assembled from various sources.
International Dialing Codes - Listing of country dialing codes for international calling.
International Currency and Currency Codes - Listing of 50 countries, the name of the currency used, and the 3-digit currency code.
National Holidays - Dates of national holidays in various countries around the world.
Independent States of the World - Official country short names, full names, FIPS codes, and capitals of 192 independent states from the U.S. Department of State.
World Time Zones - Map of world time zones with Greenwich Mean Time offsets for 42 countries.
ISO 3166 Country Codes - The complete listing of 2-digit, 3-digit, and numeric country codes updated from the RIPE network with revision information.
Non-Profit Organizations - Address and phone directory of 500 U.S. non-profit organizations related to the transportation and logistics industry.
Organization and Association Websites - Web addresses to more than 350 non-profit and professional organizations and associations.
Colleges and Universities - Web addresses to more than 900 Colleges and Universities.
U.S. Government Links - Comprehensive collection of links to over 100 U.S. government, federal, and defense agencies, departments, and bureaus.
U.S. Newspapers - Web links to over 240 websites of online newspapers.
Weather and Environmental Links - A collection of links to 275 global weather and environmental sites on the web.
U.S. State Abbreviation Look-Up
International Telephone Country Code Look-Up
Internet Domain Look-Up