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Volume 1 Dr. Knezevic introduces the concepts of functionability, reliability, maintainability, and supportability. Each discussion includes a basic definition, profile, and examples of practical application. He then devotes considerable space to probability theory and a treatment of discreet (binomial, Poisson) and continuous (exponential, normal, lognormal, Weibull) probability distributions. Dr. Knezevic concludes with measures suitable in quantitatively defining reliability, maintainability, and supportability. Volume 2 Dr. Smith begins with an introduction to statistics and data handling. This is followed by an effective treatment of descriptive statistics, probability distributions, estimation and hypothesis testing, categorical data analysis, model building, and analysis of variance. She then provides a clear and comprehensive look at statistical analysis of reliability, maintainability, and supportability data including reliability calculations, parametric and non-parametric analysis methods, and regression modeling. Dr. Smith provides illustrative examples at the end of each chapter and the solution set at the end of the monograph.
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