Nomination Form for SOLE Board of Directors (February 2006)
- Nomination Form for SOLE Board of Directors (Director at Large or Designated Position).
SOLE Nomination Form (revised February 2006). It supercedes the April 2004 form, which will no
longer be accepted. Microsoft Word format.
(Stand-AloneNominationFormFebruary2006.doc, 158KB, SOLE, Feb 2006.)
Nomination Form for SOLE Board of Directors (February 2006)
- Nomination Form for SOLE Board of Directors (Director at Large or Designated Position).
SOLE Nomination Form (revised February 2006). It supercedes the April 2004 form, which will no
longer be accepted. PDF format.
(Stand-AloneNominationFormFebruary2006.pdf, 88KB, SOLE, Feb 2006.)
Nomination and Elections Operations Manual (1 March 2006)
- This manual replaces the Nominations and Elections sections of the August 2001 Management Manual in its entirety.
PDF format.
(NominationsElectionsMan1Mar06.pdf, 99KB, SOLE, Mar 2006.)
SOLE Bylaws (22 February 2003) - This complete
revision of the Society's Bylaws was approved by the Board of Directors of SOLE at the
22 February 2003 Board of Directors Meeting held in Washington, D.C.. It supersedes SOLE
Bylaws dated 30 August 2000.
(SOLEBylawsFeb03.pdf, 202KB, SOLE, Feb 2003.)
SOLE Conflict of Interest Policy (1 June 2005)
- This manual replaces the Conflict of Interest section of the August 2001 Management Manual in its
entirety. PDF format.
(ConflictofInterestPolicy1June2005.pdf, 128KB, SOLE, Jun 2005.)
SOLE Conflict of Interest Disclosure-Assurance Form (May 2005)
- Stand-alone version of SOLE's Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form (May 2005), Appendix A
of the SOLE Conflict of Interest Policy (1 June 2005). PDF format.
(ConflictofInterestDisclosure-AssuranceFormMay2005.pdf, 37KB, SOLE, May 2005.)
Awards Manual (18 February 2002) - The
Awards Manual documents the Society's awards program, defines the organization and
function of the Awards Board, describes in detail the awards administered by this board,
and provides information about other forms of recognition-awards or honoraria-which are
administered by SOLE. Microsoft Word format.
(, 155KB, SOLE, Feb 2002.)
Document Change Request Form (16 January 2002) - SOLE
document change request form. Microsoft Word format.
(, 3KB, SOLE, Jan 2002.)